A Couple More

I think we can all agree that the kids are stinking cute in their glasses, and that patching is going well! We are optimistic moving forward that our new normal will be decently smooth. Of course, there is more work to come for Rowan. His contact is still in the mail. And he needs some vision therapy, but it happens to be readily available and close by. So, wins all around.

I figured I’d share a few more cute pics with you 🙂 Because I can’t not.

This picture of Solly is the lock screen on my phone. Because he is straight up irresistible.

Rowan has fallen into patching quite seamlessly, and he is still a goof when while he has it on. What a relief to all of us!

The kids are no longer strangers to the glasses fog! I thought they’d be frustrated, but they handle it so easily.

Happy Family Day, friends 💜 We are spending it doing laundry, playing, listening to music, and keeping an especially low profile. Laela got her script for school before the break, so I imagine she’ll do a lot of familiarizing herself with that!

Doesn’t she look so much older?? 🥺 Man.

I hope you have a beautiful reading week, local friends! And for the rest of you suckers, enjoy your thoroughly normal week of life stuff! I am beyond grateful that Brady was able to have this week off! So many fun things to come 💜