A Couple of Dirty Kids

The kids have been spending an amazing amount of time outside these days. The little ones are such troopers, and are out there just as much as the older kids, whether its sunny and warm or windy and grey.

Grey is a good word for describing yesterday. Not because of the weather, but the color of my children upon coming back into the house. Apparently, yesterday was aaaaall about flinging dirt πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ

Solly was VERY cross when he came inside because we were all laughing. Which I get. I don’t love when people laugh at my face, either. But can you blame us??

He rallied a little once he had seen it for himself, and then let me wash him off.

Wavy was absolutely filthy, but it was mostly her clothes and less on her face.

I could only clean the kids up so much before it was time to eat, but I did my best! It was about halfway through supper when I realized Solly had dirt in his eyeballs 😳

Its not as clear here, but it was floating around the whites of his eyes like crazy! SO much dirt!!!

When the day was finally done, I got Wavy out of her dirty clothes and, lo and behold, found MORE dirt!

That diaper tho! WOW!!! She was just filthy!

At the end of the day, they were clean, and happy, and exhausted. As Spring should be.