A Day at Home

It seems like every day holds appointments recently! And by recently, I mean always 😅 And actually, today is no different. Rowan has an eye appointment today. But its after school, so I have the actual daytime part of the day at home!! As in 🙌 I’m wearing sweats. Guys. I don’t wear sweats as often as I used to. Its so different, but I kind of love the hustle and bustle. Not mad at wearing jeans more often.

So while I’m HOME today, I still have things to do. Nothing too crazy, but there are always things to do.

I think I will order a replacement bowl for my mixer today.

I’d like to wrap some more of the presents that have made their way to my front step this week.

I need to bathe a baby.

I want to do something with all of the strawberries that I bought before they go bad. I think I’ll dehydrate some! They’re yummy to eat just like that, right?

And if those things are done, and babies are napping, I’d like to work more on some of the crocheting I NEED to have done for Saturday. We’ll see how far I get!! Wish me luck!


As I typed this out, my daughter stole the socks off my feet for her own feet.

Little goof.