A Day of Sky

The sky was all over the place today. 

Yes. I said it. Sky. All over the place. As usual. But what I clearly meant to say was that the sky CHANGED multiple times today! 

This morning, it was light and clouded over. It was still bright out and very very still. It was terribly pleasant. 

In the early afternoon, it was beautifully blue with wispy white clouds. 

This evening, there was a storm warning. I went down to the water to take pictures off the dock, as I do most days, and the sky was absolutely breathtaking. I LOVE a good storm, so the clouds rolling in were so beautiful to me. 

And then just over an hour later, it was blowing and dark. Foreboding is a good word. 

Now, the rain is coming down, and we are safely tucked away for the night. What a perfect way to close off the day!