A Day of…

Sitting??? What is that even like?! The real question, though: Will it last?

So far today, I’ve sat. Mostly. I put a load of laundry in. Brady did the dishes. But I’m currently looking some things up on Pinterest, and he is playing a game on his phone. Kids are happily playing in the backyard. No one is currently crying, lol! What is this life?!

Brady seeded our front yard yesterday, so I guess we’ll have to get up to water it on and off. I’ll have to switch laundry out eventually. There are a few things to tidy and bring downstairs. I need to sign into the kids Seesaw accounts for school, because I still haven’t! Whoops! Kids need baths. I should plan supper. But really, thats all. Not so bad!

I need to decide, though. Maybe you guys can help me. I bought a cabinet off of Marketplace. I was expecting to get from Ikea for $400 someday, but I found the PERFECT alternative option for $10!!! We have had no income for about six months, and can justify next to nothing, but at $10, there was no way we could turn it down. The one problem is that its a refinishing project. Not really in a big way, though! Drawers need adjusting, but I have a Brady for that. That’ll be easy. And I wouldn’t mind the paint being beat up except that there is a bit of splintering on the front of it, and we’ll need to sand it smooth. So it needs a sand and paint. I have white paint, but there is a lot of white in our house, so we wanted a color. We have pink leftover from the camper cabinets, and no one is against it. But we know what color we want, and its not pink. If we painted it pink, we would want to repaint it down the road. We could even just do it white, and then repaint it. But I fear, once its in the house, in use, we won’t go to the bother of repainting it, and it would really be better with a different color. But we really can’t justify the cost of something we don’t need.

Help me, friends! Should I…

A. Paint it white and repaint later?

B. Paint it pink and repaint later?

C. Spring for paint?

D. I have an idea for cheap paint!

I’d welcome suggestions!! But I can’t hack the fact that the perfect cabinet and answer to SO MANY ORGANIZATIONAL ISSUES is living in my garage because its the wrong color 🙄 Crazy, right??

Since I started writing this post, Brady has gone out to till the garden up. I guess its not a totally lazy day. I should go tend to the laundry. Meryl is even working downstairs. No excuses!