A Day with Friends

Lately, I feel like I get to be around friends fairly regularly, but Brady is working and misses out on visits. However, as I mentioned earlier, we have wonderful company this weekend, and Brady gets to be around for all of their visit!

We all woke up on our own time this morning and had a late brunch. We went for a bit of a walk in the afternoon with the kids, but only made it a couple of blocks since the wind was super cold! It was only -7C but the wind was pretty biting! Dekker and Laela were total champs and had a great time it seemed, but they were red and chilly by the time we got home. It was nice to get some fresh air 🙂 We spent the rest of the afternoon visiting and just being lazy. In an effort to be a bit less boring, we opted to go to the city for supper. Brady and I have yet to try out Five Guys, so we went their for supper and to Pure frozen yogurt for dessert. In my opinion (haters be hatin’) I wasn’t super impressed with Five Guys. The burger I had was yummy, but not worth its cost. I would have been just as happy with a junior bacon cheeseburger from Wendys for $1.89. But to each their own I suppose. I’m glad we went and tried it. But the yogurt was delicious! Mine was chocolate cake batter flavored, and I loaded it up with Clodhoppers, caramel chips, Skor chips, and caramel sauce. It was ridiculous, in a really good way.

Dekker went to bed as soon as we got home, and Laela dozed in and out most of the evening. We played tile rummy and drank red wine. It was quiet and relaxing, and now we are all pretty wiped out. Time for a bit of guilty pleasure tv and sleeping.

Sweet dreams!