A Fail I Didn’t Anticipate

Last night, I was determined to sleep. Its been over a week of horrid sleeps, or lack of sleep, rather. I knew there would be an adjustment coming off of the medication that helped me sleep, but I figured at some point, my body would be tired, and would sleep. After not sleeping a wink the night before, I was absolutely convinced my body would have to give me that sleep last night.

Guys. I did everything right. I kid you not. I did it all.

I went for a long walk with my family, and then another shorter walk right after they went to bed.

I took magnesium with Rowan in the evening.

I took my sertraline, as usual.

I had a hot, comfort food meal.

I had a warm bath.

I got off my phone shortly after 9:00pm and turned off all the lights.

I took Melatonin as I was snuggling in.

And as a last ditch effort, I took NyQuil, which I do very rarely, in an effort to make me drowsy.

And wouldn’t you know it – I was up for HOURS. It was completely absurd. Because I had done everything! It felt like, no matter what I did, I would simply never fall asleep!

Knowing full well that my brain was feeling a touch on the irrational side of things, I used that helpless feeling and put a message in to speak to my doctor. Praise God for her, and her willingness to always go the extra mile for me 💜 As I anticipate a call from her, I carry hopes that she will have some direction, whether thats adding a medication, or even just the knowledge that this is a normal part of switching meds, and we need to battle it for a couple of weeks and it’ll all even out. I just need her input, and I’m incredibly grateful to be able to ask for it.

This is not an update, unfortunately. I don’t have an answer yet. But hopefully very soon 💜 Wish me luck, friends!