A Fall Fire

We wanted to be productive today, but also not to spend the day working ourselves into the ground. We struck a beautiful happy medium by having a fire in the backyard – something we haven’t done since January – and burned a whole schwack of cardboard.

This summer, we hauled stuff to and from the lake in the flat, open boxes from Costco. They were easier for the kids to carry stuff around in, so we had a LOT of them. We also recently received a few boxes out of Ikea (I still haven’t posted about that! Ack! Sorry, folks! I will so soon!) that needed to be disposed of. Believe it or not, our family produces a decent amount of garbage and recycling, so our bins don’t have a ton of extra room in them at the end of their two week cycle. It would take forever to get rid of this stuff through those pickups. So today was the day to get rid of it!!

Also, our back yard is incredibly neglected, and full of tumbleweeds, haha! Sooooo we burned a bunch of that too. I’m embarrassed of our backyard. Be nice. We had quite a mess on our hands.

Its not over, so there is no big glorious “after” picture. But it was still a very cute morning 💜

Dekker was the first out to join me while I got things started and organized. He ran around and found me some gloves, tools, and a fresh lighter.

Eventually everyone joined! Even Cher came for a little!

We worked/burned/played until shortly after noon, and then we packed up the backyard. There will still be some work to do back there – blowing out the lines, covering up the AC, etc – but it was a really nice morning 💜 I’m so glad we got things done that definitely needed doing, but wasn’t back breaking. Now, with all the boxes gone, it’ll be easier to get the garage tidied up for the winter! We need to get a vehicle in there soon, and its been left to its own devices for months. Lots to catch up on 💜

Enjoy your Sunday, friends! We don’t know how many snow-free weekends we have left!