A Fall Party?

Nope. Fall-aparty. Thats how I feel this evening. I haven’t had a noticeable “blue day” since Laela was born, but this evening, I truly feel blue. I had a big hairy-scary meltdown and I feel like the red around my eyes will likely never go down. It will, but it doesn’t seem like it.

Not long ago, a good ways into my meltdown, I took my own advice from a recent post and held my baby girl. She had been fussing a bit and I was feeling very weak. I couldn’t get her to stop crying. Her cries don’t bother me much at all, to be honest. They’re such little squeaks. But of course, instinct tells us to make them stop. I agree with instinct for the most part, but not always the rush. I know Laela will be fine if she cries a little. So I just held her across me horizontally and rocked her. Barely. And she was quiet. I rocked her back and forth for probably fifteen minutes, and she slowly dozed off. She was so comfy, her hand all tucked away in my cleavage, her squishy lips just barely open. She was gorgeous. I bawled. I finally got myself together enough to get up and use the washroom, which I had needed to take care of several hours before already. Setting her down, I broke down crying again. As I said, today is a blue one.

That being said, this is really all you guys are gonna get this evening. Except for a few sugar shots of Laela. Helps me feel better!



Sleep in heavenly peace.



Soooo the hormones are kickin in right on time. Dang. Glad your little sweetieheart gave you such great cuddles. See you in the morning, Lil Mama.

mama jeanne

Awwwww… I’m sorry Hailey. I was wondering today what was going on in that person of you? 🙂 My sweet girl….I hope tomorrow will be brighter. You sleep well too. I love you!


Thank you mom, I love you too. I assure you, had I known why I was the way I was today, I would have spoken to you about it. You are a safe place for me 🙂 I just was unsure and hadn’t melted down yet, haha! Bath time helped.

mama jeanne

Thanks Hailey. I understand that sometimes it’s a process to get to the melt….I’ve been there too 🙂 I think you’re beautiful! ♥


Thinking of you , Hailey. Keeping you in my prayers. Beautiful little baby girl, love her hair! Can’t wait.:(
Love you