A Good Day of Good People

I’m a touch housebound these days, for a few reasons, but Brady happily took the four older kids and himself to Sunday school and church this morning. I was SO fortunate to be able to spend that time with Waverly and Jerilee, who was back from a week long vacay! I’ve missed her! It was really nice to sit and chat and here all about her cruise and all she had seen and done. And I caught her up on my week, which was far less exciting or glamorous, but she happily listened and picked it apart with me. It was SO nice to catch up in person after a week of barely being able to even text.

Conversation was flowing, and we ended up keeping her until around 4:00. But at that point, she had things she needed to get organized back at home before the week began, and we had plans for the evening, so we parted ways. Hopefully we’ll see her again later this week!

We got our kids all dressed warm and out the door, and we headed to our friends house for a wiener roast. It was the last schedule day that the church had offered to bring us supper during this recent time of struggle, and instead of food coming to us, we got out of the house. And it was perfect. Almost like reacclimating to people?? But not actually. But kind of.

The kids played for hours. They ate on a blanket all in a big group. We kept Wavy nearby, but the other seven pretty much stuck together and enjoyed each other’s company. It was a shockingly smooth evening with eight kids all together. We loved it. It was so normal, but in a really nice way. It almost made me feel prepared for the week to come.

Almost. Ugh. Ultrasound tomorrow.