A HUGE Costco Shop

Today was the first gigantic Costco shop I’ve done in a while. But let me tell you – we earned that shop. We were out of evvvvverything, it seemed. Just yesterday, Brady had hit Coop after work for the basics – fruit, veggies, milk, butter, bread, etc. We’ve been needing a Costco shop for a long time, and that day was going to be yesterday, finally, but I had a sick kid home from school yesterday so I couldn’t. Today, my counselling appointment was reschedule so time freed up, and it was spent at Costco!

Time, but also money. A lot of it.

We were out of everything. Big Ziploc bags. Sandwich bags. Toilet paper. Kleenex. Laundry soap. Dish soap. Dishwasher rinse aid. Shampoo and conditioner.

Giant bricks of cheese were on sale, so we got two. Also cheese strings. Also singles slices. All the cheese, lol!

Perogies. Taquitos. Pizza. Lasagna. Fish sticks. Fish filets. Chicken nuggets.

Three big boxes of cereal. Two big bags of trail mix. Two boxes of peach cups. Four boxes of granola bars.

Plus the huge bag of sugar. Plus a birthday present for a party Rowan is invited to. Plus pants for Brady that might be awesome.


I would be SO happy if I could go for a super haul like that once a month, and have Brady grab necessities here and there as needed! I am out of practice shopping for our family. My back hurts, haha! What a beautiful problem to have 💜

Thank you, Brady, for working so hard so we can feed our family, and for doing it with joy.

Thank you, mom, for being with me and pushing a second cart. Running back for prices. Asking employees where things were. Keeping tabs on Wavy when I was staring at shelves.

Thank you, Wavy, for being such a bright light. For staying by the cart. For smiling and waving at all the cute old people who could not get enough of you. For helping me load butter and cereal into the cart.

Thank you, Lord, for providing for us in this way. We are so grateful to be able to afford food for our family. Both healthy things and also convenient things. We are so fortunate.