A List of Lists

Are you guys tired of reading my lists yet? Because I’m not! Haha! Seriously, there is no shortage of things to do before our beautiful little morsel comes home. I admit, my confidence is shaken a little recently, with so much loss and struggle around me, but I continue to lay my trust in God and try to keep on living positively, knowing that He has everything under control, and that my kids are actually His kids. So we keep plugging along!

I actually have a list of lists that I’ve been making these days, and while that sounds insane, its helping me feel somewhat together. My lists, and my planner, and a whole lot of iced coffee!

On my island, I have my planner in constant use. I have no idea if I ever updated you guys on what I ended up with in my mad search for THE planner. I actively use an appointment book that breaks my day up into 15 minute increments, and I LOVE it. It is the perfect system for me! If a job needs doing, I can sip it into a slot or two, and that way I will not forget it! Beside that, I have a scratch pad for random notes, which is also used every single day. Lastly, I have an open page on my laptop at all times where I can add all my stuff I cannot forget into my lists.

I have a running list of things I’m waiting to arrive in the mail. I was able to cross something off yesterday, but it wasn’t actually something for me, haha! I did add something to it last night, and will add something else today, but I’ll tell you about that on Monday. But seriously, a person has to know whats coming and when! Beside that, I had a list of things I still need to order. It only has one or two things on it, thank goodness!

I have a “before baby comes” list, which is all over the map. It ranges from installing the car seat and packing the diaper bag to hopefully squeezing in a date night with Brady, to backing up the laptop, to planning food for the kids while we’re at the hospital. Like I said, ALL over the map.

Beyond my “before baby comes” list, I have a “before the baby party” list. In an ideal world, the “before party” list would also be done before baby comes, just so I have less to do in those days between both events. That list is also all over the place. I have a few things to buy, a few things to research, a few jobs to actually do, and then weird “day before” stuff like dumping all the ice out of the freezer so the ice maker makes fresh stuff. Such weird stuff, but if I don’t write it down, it doesn’t exist.

I should be making a hospital bag list while I’m at it… You’d think I’ve done this enough times to know what I need, but if I forget my chapstick, we’re going to have a problem.