A New Kind of Productive

As I mentioned yesterday, I was super grumpy, as was everyone in my home. Brady and I had a big argument in the evening, which certainly didn’t help the day. I woke up on the wrong side of the bed, so to speak, and the day began very rocky. It wasn’t looking good, I won’t lie.

We decided to go into the city and get at least one of the few things on our list done. Our list for the van, that is. We were really hoping to get the Bluetooth installed before driving to Manitoba next week, so we called ahead to the dealership, but they weren’t available to us. They said technically the service area is open on weekends, but only for oil changes and little things like that. So we were out of luck. Its ok, though. We rolled it off and drove in anyway. One down.

We headed for Costco to get the tires balanced. The dealership had a lot of nerve to do an alignment and not a balance, in my opinion. But there’s as wobble, and we don’t want to drive a long trip and wear the tires out funny. Upon arrival, we found a spot in the tire centre parking area and went in to give them our keys and tell them what we wanted. And they said no. Too many people already lined up today. We had never been sent away there! But ’tis the season for taking off winter tires, getting summer cars ready, etc. It makes sense that Saturday isn’t the best time to try and do this. We called our other tire place, A1, and they said that we would have about an hour wait before we could even potentially get our van up on the lift. And then for sure a half hour for the balance. It wouldn’t be so bad, but this place is way in the ghetto, if I can be so bold, and we would have nowhere to release Dekker to run around. No tire balance today. Two down.

Our last thing on the van list is to fill a chip. Yup. We already have a chip in the windshield. For those of you who don’t know, our car’s windshield was split across completely within a few months, and we drove it that way her entire life with us. The last thing we need is a repeat of that. But we don’t have the safety certificate yet, so we don’t even have it officially registered to us yet!!! The plan was to get that extra comprehensive insurance, and I’m just going to be pretty much super annoyed if its too late. Anyway, that rant is over. We called a couple of places and they either were only open for appointments, or were closed for the season. Three down.

We were all pretty frustrated at this point. However, the thought of coming in and trying to do all this van stuff was what frustrated me initially. So we made the best of it. We stopped for fries and Starbucks. I bought some makeup brushes. We visited Jerilee at work. Dekker got a shoulder ride. It was warm!! We left one of Dekker’s books in a shopping cart and drove across the city, and someone turned it in! It really was a good day 🙂 It was almost its own little relief, having all our van plans fall through. Exactly what we needed.

Being that today was so fun and busy, neither kid napped and they were both exhausted, so this evening was a bit hectic. But they’re both on their way out, and I am sooo ready for perogies and wings, and some good tv. We’re watching through Parks and Recreation, but just discovered House for the first time. How will we choose now?!?!