A solid mix of good, bad, and ugly

As you probably read, I woke up yesterday with a pretty insane sore throat. Sore enough to keep me awake before 7am. I eventually overcame it, but felt completely wiped all day. My body is NOT used to sleeping so little! However, I drank yummy pretty warm drinks all morning and eventually got over myself.

photo (25)It is easy when your baby is so cute as well!

photo (26)Dekker and I had to be in the city around 3:15, so since he woke up so late, I figured I’d try to keep him awake and maybe he’d sleep in the car, since we were going to leave around 2:15. He was completely exhausted by 1pm so I put him down to sleep for an hour. Needless to say, when I went to go get him from his crib, he was not finished sleeping. He was completely out cold.

photo (27)We met Brady on the edge of the city so we wouldn’t have to drag both vehicles all around the city, and made our way to our chiropractors office. I know not everyone is pro-chiropractic, but I really like ours! However, if you know me at all, you know my aversion towards cracking sounds. Even as a teenager, when I would go see him, he would have to trick me in order to get my body to relax enough for him to crack it. He’d get me in that strange position where my lower half is laying on its side but my shoulders are flat with my arms folder over my chest, and then he’d get me all wrapped up how he needed me, and the anticipation would almost be killing me. I’d be sooo tense and nervous and he’d make some awkward comment or joke and just as I’d laugh, crunch! So gross! I mean, its great, but its so nerve wracking for me! Anyway, I realized once I got to his clinic that I hadn’t been to see him since I was in high school! So I filled out a new form and then went in with the boys. Brady first, then me. He came up behind me and touched my lower back, and was amazed at apparently how screwed up I am! He described to me the way my spine was twisted, but how it makes sense since I carry Dekker on the same side all the time, and he’s more than 25% of me in weight! So a LOT of cracking later, I felt amazing. Barely sore! And then I touch my lower back, it feels (even to me) completely different! I had no idea I was so enflamed back there! However, the interesting take on this story is Dekker’s reaction. Brady says I resisted the treatment. I don’t feel like I did, I just reacted more than some others might I guess. But Dekker was not impressed with my getting my treatment! Not one bit. As in BIG tears accompanied by wailing. I get a bit of a kick out of that actually. I love that my little one is sensitive to me being in any kind of “distress.” Cute 🙂

After chiro, we hit up Fabricland for some buttons for the cowls I made the other day, then to Superstore for a few groceries, and then home. Dekker was exhausted early so he was sleeping by 8pm, and we were both exhausted as well and were asleep before 9:30!!! Crazy, I know. However, the night was not over.

Between 1:30am and about 4am, Brady threw up on five different occasions. We don’t know why. Its all over now, and as usual, we ate the same food yesterday. And I’m fine. This same scenario happened to us twice in December with me as the barfer, but I guess this was his turn. We sat in the bathroom together, waiting for him to actually throw up the first time, for about ten minutes. Nothing. But it was one of those times when you know its gonna come but for some reason it just won’t. So I said “Remember that time we ate spoiled yogurt?” and he leaned over and puked and puked and puked. I actually had a laugh before I brought him some water, Kleenex, and a cloth. It was a pretty yucky night though. Brady had virtually nothing left to chuck and mainly woke up the next four times to dry heave like mad and just throw up the few sips of water he’d taken the last time.  It was pretty horrendous, but I’m just so thankful that we were tired as early as we were. We both got a solid four hours in before he got sick, and then another three-ish hours after the last time he threw up.

Our dear son slept until 11:30 this morning. Ya, thats 15.5 hours. So we got lots of sleep first and had a warm bath, then fed the baby, and then ourselves. My mom was wonderful enough to meet us in the city yesterday with fresh turkey soup. I felt a little guilty last night, since we had decided to have subs for supper and left the soup for today, but I’m definitely glad we chose to do it in the order that we did! The soup was perfect for Bradys stomach and my still aching throat.

So yesterday was definitely the definition of “mixed emotions” but I feel good about how it played out. Brady might have a different opinion on the matter, I suppose. But the ugliness has passed and now we have a great excuse to be comfy and squishy and lazy today.
