A Wall

Friends, I have hit a wall. I’m sorry to say, you will have to hear all about today tomorrow.

It was a good day. I have very little bad to say about it. Except the whole reality of everything that is happening. Today we were fed delicious food, our laundry was done by a friend, we were gifted a parking pass at the hospital, I came back in contact with someone I really care about from a couple of years ago, and we even hit some cool milestones with the kids. It was all around a good day.


My mental, emotional, and physical energy is tapped out. I just had a BIG cry in my bathtub, panicked a little, and now I’m taking my overheated body to bed for the rest of the evening.

I’m sorry there are no amazing updates today. I will share so much more tomorrow. I promise.

Kathy Eichorst

It’s okay. You take care of yourself. You have been strong and there’s nothing wrong with you showing weakness, as that is when God shows His strength.
God Bless.
Kathy Eichorst