Aaand I’m 14 again

Yesterday was the perfect date day. We ate hotdogs by the river for supper, and then went to the concert that I have been anticipating for a good year.

It was fabulous! Not only was there more music to compile into a set (having three albums out instead of the two last year)  but the band was way more confident! They were more talkative, funnier, less crude, and just generally happier. The crowd was waaay bigger too! I heard later that not only were the bleachers completely filled, but people were being turned away to get into the standing room only pit area on the ground. Insane! It was so tight in there, my shoes were touching others peoples shoes! It was awesome though. A whole different experience than last year, up in the bleachers with such a sore back. Brady stood behind me the whole time and took tons of pictures and videos. He knows I have a huge crush on the lead singer, and took so many shots of him 🙂 He’s a good hubby. After standing in front of the stage for a good three hours, our feet were almost falling off, so we walked as far as we needed to in search of lemonade and then headed back to the car. A good half hour later we were out of the parking lot and on our way home. It was truly a fabulous evening!

*sigh* He’s so dreamy.

Today was spent with family, playing with my beautiful baby son and eating some of the best burgers I’ve had in my life. I am now full, tired, and have something in my eye that I can’t seem to get rid of. I think I’ll sign off right away here, but before I do, I have to share one more picture. Dekker had a little photoshoot the other day called a Cake Smash. In celebration of his first birthday (less than two weeks away now!) I made him a cake to destroy, and the lovely photographer next door photographed it for us! I’ll give you a little preview and then I’ll post more tomorrow or the next day. Behold, silly baby Dekker:

So pretty 🙂