About the Windows…

Man. You guys were so kind about my moping regarding all of our van window issues. Thank you all for not leaving me to feel belittled or silly. It means a lot to me. Thank you.

I thought I’d throw a quick update your way on the subject.

So as you know, the minivan is needing a new windshield. Brady had put a call in last week already, to try to confirm some insurance stuff. We have extra insurance for the bus glass, and when we bought the minivan, Brady asked that it be added to the policy, but he never heard anything back on the subject. For a minute there, we were pretty worried it hadn’t happened, and we would be out the total cost. Thankfully, today it was confirmed that we will only pay $100 for the minivan windshield replacement.

The bus side window is next, and I’ll be honest – I don’t know the cost yet. We did get paired with an insurance adjuster, however, and she called this afternoon to go over the details with Brady. She said it seems pretty straight forward, and she believes she can approve us to skip the whole damage assessment part of things and get us straight to the auto shop in Warman to get it cleaned up. What a relief.

I hope this is the end of it, but I am incredibly grateful for how smoothly the insurance process has been so far. It is NOT every day we are all flawlessly content with our insurance providers, is it? But today is that day 💜