ADHD Starter Pack

Cher here again.

You’ve all seen those memes about starter packs. Like anxiety starter packs. I need to speak to a manager starter pack.

Well, first I’m going to give you the same kind of sarcasm, followed by actual good things for an ADHD starter pack.

So, here it goes:

The Ultimate ADHD starter pack:

1. Concentration pains followed by snacks.

2. House full of unfinished and un-started projects.

3. Frequent urge to stare into space while people talk to you. 

4. Falling asleep when something is boring.

5. Not hearing a thing someone said and then immediately ask questions they just answered.

6. Hyper focusing so long you almost pee your pants, and you almost don’t care because you don’t want to break the concentration.

The Realistic ADHD Starter Pack 

(For people who just learn they have it)

1. An echo dot for focus time options, timers, lists, reminders, and background music/sleep sounds. (*whispers* and fart jokes)

2. Magnesium, vitamin D, probiotics, and a fun water bottle 

3. Stimulating lighting (string lights, galaxy lights, etc) this also doubles as relaxing lighting.

4. LOOPS! Both experience and quiet so you have options for your environmental stimuli. (Amazon)

5. Brown noise Playlist (12 hour no loops) on Spotify 

This is a small list of what has helped me. Obviously there is a wide spectrum for ADHD and I am not a Healthcare professional so do your research in the vitamins. If you do take them and they don’t work, consider vitamin C for absorption. Sometimes that’s the issue. But again, ask a professional before switching over. Make sure its right for you. 

Flares did not work for frequency as much as loops do. And I use a pill container for the loops. Works like a charm. 

Thanks for joining my Ted Talk