After a Rough Start…

It was not our smoothest kickoff to the day! These poor kids desperately need a change of scenery, but these colds are hanging on for dear life! Thankfully, at least ONE kid will be able to go to school tomorrow, so, win. Down to only four kids! Hahaha!

Between refereeing and diffusing bombs, I’ve been working on our Christmas card, which I am SO excited for!! Making our list, checking it twice, but not actually, haha! We have good music going, and iced coffee is tasting goooood. These mornings have definitely had their benefits. I could get used to them! Except for all the fighting…

Also, its become clear that I am short materials for some Christmas projects I’m working on. So that feels like something I need to urgently get sorted out. And by “I” I mean Brady, because he’s already in the city for work! Hopefully he can find what I need!

I feel todays post is very much like yesterdays, haha! I’m sorry, friends. It won’t always be this way! I have some things underway that I can’t talk about yet, and they’re a bit consuming. Beyond those things, these kids being sick really takes up a lot of headspace and makes our days boring and the same. One day, things will be more exciting! Haha! But that day is not today.

If you want the same relaxed, nothing day as I have, turn Hamilton on through the house, click on all lighting that isn’t ceiling lights, and reintroduce the smelly markers! Day = made!