After Ten Days


We’re home. After ten days at the lake, our family is home 💜 I LOVE our time at the lake, but I also love our time here. It’s possible I say that at the end of every weekend, but I mean it. Its just incredible to have two beautiful homes.

The Dahlsjos kept our kids this afternoon while we packed up the camper, which was a gift all on its own, not to mention the feast we shared together at their camper before that! We sure miss our together time with them once summer wraps up 💜

We packed the vehicles, and loaded up the kids. Three vehicles brought home three different groups – my mom drove Dekker and Rowan, Brady drove Wavy and Solly, and I drove, Cher, Wavy, and our smallest morsel. We convoyed to PA, where we convoyed to Little Caesars for italian cheese bread, convoyed to McDonalds for milkshakes, and then convoyed further back to the highway and all the way home. To our home. Where we said our goodbyes, handed off kids and luggage, and went our separate ways.

What a precious time. An amazing stretch at the lake. Our one good solid week of holidays is done and gone, but it came at the perfect time. We continue to love the lake, but at the same time, our gaze shifts to the upcoming season. School starts to two weeks! And we are pretty ready for it, to be honest. Have you felt your children itching for some more routine recently? We have. Its time. And its coming.

But first, a liiiiiiittle bit more summer. And a handful more appointments, because why not, right?? Only one meeting, two doctors appointments, and one hopeful handoff of vehicles for this week. So far, anyway 🙃

I miss my bus. *sigh*


