Ahead of the Game

Brace yourselves.

Cher and I have begun Christmas shopping.

Cher is almost done!! I have a few items and a lot of other ideas to go on.

Yesterday evening, we went into Saskatoon to look for a couple of things, and while we didn’t get everything we were looking for, we did have some moderate success! Besides some Christmas stuff, I remembered that Brady could use some more work shirts. His poor old tshirts have SO many holes where they’ve worn out around his waist from rubbing against his jeans. The challenge used to be to find the funniest shirts and see if he’d wear them, which he always did. But now, the goal is a beefy shirt that is cheap. And funny, if I could make it happen. So I found five $3 shirts that were the right size, and nice and thick still. They weren’t anything too crazy, though one was a family reunion shirt for someone else’s family, which was funny. I also managed to find him a really nice button down and another tshirt for regular wear. All nice and cheap. Win!

I have the goal every year to be DONE Christmas presents before December. Because November, even. With two very poor financial years, I haven’t had the resources to do what feels like “recreational” shopping, so I’ve never reached that goal. I still carry the same desire for this upcoming year. Conveniently, another desire I’ve had is doing a homemade/second hand Christmas. So this year, I’m aiming for that. I make no promises, to you or myself, that I will succeed, but I am hopeful and optimistic. I have three thrifted items already on the books, and I have some AWESOME ideas for the other kids!

And if you know me, you may be getting homemade gifts for Christmas this coming year! This is something that makes me both self conscious but also accomplished and happy. So leave snide remarks elsewhere and celebrate with me!! If I succeed at this, I will feel SO accomplished, giving people things I truly worked on and put effort into, while saving a couple bucks in the meantime.

Anyone want to join me in the challenge of Thriftmas?? I’m SUPER excited!!!