All Around Fabulous

It was a really lovely day for everyone involved, if I can be so bold as to speak for the group. My dear Jerilee moved into her own place today, and Brady and I, along with a number of her friends, helped with the process. It was really fun to finally meet some of her friends from different places. They come in conversation lots, yet they all know each other from different places, and I know I’m another friend from another different place, so it was fun to see the boundaries sort of being broken. I solidly approve of them all 😉 in case you were wondering. Everyone was totally ready and willing to help and move and work quickly. We were done bringing everything over way sooner than any of us has expected, so we set up a few things and made the spaces functional. Then we snacked and rooted through all of Jerilee’s Bath and Born Works stuff while Brady assembled her tv stand, table, and bed frame. He set up her tv and moved her freezer into the appropriate closet. He did all the man stuff, and we definitely did not. But he was also incredibly willing and happy to help. It always helps to have happy help. Jerilee ordered pizza and we had a good feed, but Brady and I had to skip out on games night and head to pick up the kids.

The kids 🙂 I adore those little ones. They spent the day with my parents for the first time in a very long time, and as Brady put it, he and I were chopped liver the moment we were in the driveway. Both kids recognized exactly where we were, and were ready to get in. I brought the kids inside while Brady worked at getting the car seats out so we could fold the seats away to make room for moving. By the time he made it inside, just a few minutes later, Dekker was already cuddled up on a chair reading with grandma, and Laela had done several laps around the dining room table. Toys were already starting to spread. So they didn’t bat an eye at us leaving. They were, however, still bright and happy to see us when we arrived at the end of the day. Big hugs from both, and lots of stories of games played, food eaten, and of very good behaviour on their part. It was great to see them so happy, and I know my parents were thrilled to get their hands on them again. Its been a while since they’ve got some quality time together. I’m sure they’ll get their chance again soon 🙂

Dekker slept the whole drive home while Laela talked loudly and flapped and played. They’re both down now, fast asleep as far as I can tell. Time for us to have some downtime now. Brady did something funny to his back pulling the very last thing off of the trailer, so he’s got a funny back twinge that needs to be soaked in a tub, and I have some solidly sleepy legs and back as well. Us old folks are looking forward to a hot bath and some episodes of The Office. The perfect way to end a really great, productive day of getting one of our very best friends settled in her new home!