All rolled into one

I wonder how many productive days I’ll have leading up to the birth of baby #2. Today felt very productive, even though I suppose we didn’t accomplish a ton. But it still counts!

It was going to be a home day until we decided yesterday that I needed to see my chiropractor sooner than later. So Brady and I both booked appointments back to back and decided to go in for the afternoon. Brady wasn’t particularly broken-feeling, but he can always use an adjustment. However, Dekker woke up at a decent time, and we were all fairly rested and feeling good, so we decided to add a few things to the list. And from there, it turned into something of a full-fledged errand day!

On the way into the city, I picked up a massive bag of cloth diapers that my auntie made when her daughters were having kids, that she was now offering me! All flannel fitted diapers with extra inserts and even some store bought waterproof covers 🙂 MUCH appreciated! We grocery shopped right after that and were VERY good if I do say so my myself, and only got things off of our list. We kept having more time than we bargained for, so we hit up Babies ‘r’ Us afterwards to look for a soother for baby girl. Dekker never took one very well, but I wanted to have one on hand in case our next baby wants one. And I really like the Wubbanub. For those who don’t know, they’re those newborn soothers that make your kid look like one of those algae sucker fish. You know what I mean? Except they have a cute little stuffed animal on the end to tuck into their blanket or lay on their chest so it doesn’t just fall away so fast. They’re basically just super adorable. There are TONS of different animals but they sadly only had a few. I was hoping for a bird but came out with a cute little lamb, which is very adorable as well. I’d call it a success.

By then, it was getting close to our appointment time, so we headed over to 8th St. But then we got their too fast! Like, a half hour early! So we drove a little further down the road and jumped into the mall to change Dekker’s diaper and visit Jerilee at work. PS: Bath&BodyWorks got all their pumpkin stuff in early!!! Sadly, I didn’t have my wallet on me. Jerilee gave me a gift card for my birthday specifically to pick up all the pumpkin stuff. So perhaps I’ll be back soon and snatch a bunch of it up. Pumpkin Caramel Latte everything!!!

After a very brief visit, we took off and hit every single red light on 8th St, making us one minute late. Thats always a bit of a piss-off, but mostly just the principle of the thing. No one cared that we were one minute late. Just me.

Turns out booking Brady an appointment was a really good judgement call on our part. Brady said he felt incredible after his treatment. Every time Dr. Mike would walk around to a different side of Brady, he would tickle Dekker or give him a little squeeze, and Dekkers smile just got bigger and bigger each time. There is something very special about a person who continually makes that effort I think. Seriously, I brag his up a lot, but if you guys need a chiropractor, he’s the guy to go to! We love him. I also felt much better after my treatment. Yay for me! Hopefully it’ll last for a while. But he did warn me that I would need to see him more the further I got in my pregnancy. A piece of good(?) news he told us today is that it can take anywhere from 5-8 months for my pelvis to go back to the way it was pre-pregnancy. It sounds ominous to me, but that also means I don’t have to rush right back in to his office as soon as baby pops out. I asked when I should come in and he said as soon as I feel human. Clearly he understands the process as much as a man can.

We left the chiro clinic and headed to pick up a Kijiji purchase I had found. We have a second change table going in preparation for baby girl. And I found someone selling a change pad with three covers for $30. The change pad I purchased when Dekker was born was $40 on its own, without any covers, and its pretty destroyed. So I was pretty happy with the find. The transaction worked out, and it looks virtually brand new. Just gotta wash it up and we’ll be good to go on that!

That was our last stop of the day. The original plan had been to go in, get chiro treatments, grab iced coffee, and drive home. Plans changed, and I’m glad they did. We had a lot of success! And tomorrow is maternity photo day!!! Now we don’t have to try and run all those errands tomorrow after pictures. And probably the best part of all – I don’t ache! Yet.

It was a good day. And tomorrow will be great too. Tomorrow Dekker will officially be two years old. I will likely go over his birth in my head (and out loud, I’m sure) over and over again. We will celebrate him with my parents over dinner.

And in the day, we will also celebrate the new baby that will soon come into the world and show us her beautiful face.

The anticipation is so sweet, I can taste it.