All the Love from All of You

The last two days have been SO nice, and you guys have been a big part of that 🙂

I don’t know why I felt so weird about talking about my mole removal publicly, but I did. You guys seemed to understand why I was nervous, even though I didn’t need to be, and were SO encouraging! I felt less dorky and petty, and rather I felt supported and normal. So thank you for that! Felicia (my mole, if you missed her name) is long gone, and the little hole where she used to reside is healing nicely. Just a little dry and crusty. It doesn’t miss her at all, nor do I. I’ll update a bit more on the subject once I’ve had a bit more healing time and something to actually talk about. It doesn’t look at that different yet.

Yesterday was also a day that left me feeling loved and supported. All the messages and comments were warm and thoughtful and filled with Princess Bride references, as they should be 😉 Brady and I are SO fortunate to have so many people invested in our family, caring about us. We spent our day yesterday home with the kids, not working on the basement or any other job. We wore sweats, sipped coffee, and just rested together. The evening held suuuper yummy snacks and being lazy. Tonight is date night, but honestly, its too cold out for any of our fun plans. Luckily, we have a few fun things/dates in the coming weeks, so hopefully the weather is more cooperative for those. Either way, TEN YEARS! We made it! And guys, it feels the same 😉 In the best way.

Thanks for all your well wishes and care these last couple of days. Its so wonderful to know we have such a solid circle of people around us.