All the Pictures You Missed

Not only was the weekend really full, and blogs came late, but the signal also sucked worse than usual, and getting any pictures on the blog was a feat. So you’re getting a bunch now 🙂 Get ready!

When we were about twenty minutes from camp, I got a text that Jaxon really wanted us all to gather up at his campsite for an evening s’more roast. So that was a really sweet (ha!)way to kick off the weekend!

These two girlies both brought their rainbow loom bracelet stuff this weekend, this was born the task of finding as many color combinations as was humanly possible. It started small. Please stand by.

We got a tube blown up but it only went out on the water once. Merp. But it was nice for a friendly tanning sesh or two!

This is the face of someone who ate a cinnamon sugar bagel on the beach on a windy day.

We have been welcomed into a warm tradition of the Dahlsjos cooking for our entire group for Saturday supper. Its been humbling and SO loving and also incredibly delicious. This weekend was no different! Garlic roasted potatoes. Corn on the cob. Tossed salad. And smoked brisket. My first brisket, and 100% not my last!

A rare photo of Solomon when he was not caked in dirt, looking quite grown up if you ask me!

Crocheting on the beach 😎 One of my happiest of places.

The three young girls out swimming together! Wavy in her lifejacket and tube went all the way out to the end of the dock and squealed for Avery to catch her. Very cute, and very brave.

Then there was candy, because children are irresistible…

And rainbow looms abounding!

This was a highlight! Dekker caught his first fish!!! 💜 And then he didn’t have the nerve to touch it! 😂 So this is Dekkers awesome friend holding the fish for him. It was SO cute to me! How proud of him does his buddy look?!

Speaking of Dekkers buddy, he and Jaxon are getting closer, and its really nice to see 💜 They harass each other like family should, but also have a lot of respect for each other.

A weekend that started chilly ended warm. All the days were beautiful, though.

Aaaaand I closed out the weekend by slamming my thumb with a sledgehammer. Still can’t feel part of it, but at least most of the searing pain has lifted. I’ll take what I can get!

This was a really beautiful weekend. One of our best, for SURE!! The week ahead is full and busy, but we have some really good stuff to prepare for, so I’m absolutely here for it!

But first, sleep!! Whew! Tomorrow starts with coffee and restfulness before we unpack, do ALL the laundry, and make two separate trips to Saskatoon! We have to work for the things we love!! 💜

Welcome back to the work week, everyone!