Allergies, cars, and walks in the evening sun

Miss Laela had a rough time falling asleep last night. She was up on and off until about 11:00 until we finally got a burp out of her and she fell asleep. Dekker didn’t make a peep the entire time, but watching him on the video monitor this morning, he stayed laying flat on his face for quite a while, but awake and seemingly annoyed when he would hear noise. He was awake, but very tired.

It didn’t help that he has another diaper rash. This time, I’m pretty sure its because of his newfound love of tomatoes. I think I mentioned before that he has discovered grape tomatoes, and eats them regularly. After the first little while, he got a bit of a diaper rash. So I held off on giving him tomatoes for a while and figured it was just the acid in his dirty diapers doing the damage. Once it was cleared up, I began giving him tomatoes again, just in much smaller quantities. But his diaper rash is back, and furious. Easily the worst I’ve seen since his yeast cleared up. Poor boy. So his morning diaper change was horrendous, and he was very fragile during breakfast. Once he was finished, he went for the stairs and suggested all by himself “Watch Cars movie?” It was actually kind of a bummer, haha! Brady and I were planning on watching “How to Train your Dragon” with him, but he insisted on the Cars movie, so we watched it. He sat unmoving with me for the first half hour. That never happens 🙂 Lucky me!


My little love
My little love

Our entire morning was quite low key, and then the afternoon was cut short by nap time. Both kids slept, I crocheted in the basement, and Brady made a drive out to my parents to drop a few things off. More on that in tomorrows post 😉 When Brady got home, we talked about what the evening would look like. We had originally planned to “dip our children in the basin of cleanliness.” Yup. We have to be that secretive. I know the water of a baking soda bath would be sooo good for Dekkers bum, but I also feel like the bath and the fear that it brings wouldn’t be worth it. His bum will be better in a day or two regardless of a baking soda bath. I’m pretty confident there’s just still tomato in his system, and its something he can’t tolerate right now.

So instead of subjecting our kids to the basin of cleanliness, we opted to go for a walk outside. Dekker was thrilled at this idea. As he was getting down from the table, I said “Dekker, should we go for a walk?” and he said “Ya! Coat.” and headed for the landing. We had to wrangle him back and get the kids and ourselves dressed for outside.

The walk was great. The fresh air was wonderful, and it seemed to help everyone feel better. And guys, my kids are just the most beautiful things you’ve ever seen!




Dekker saying "See?" after I had taken a couple pictures of him
Dekker saying “See?” after I had taken a couple pictures of him

The walk was a really good move, which always makes bedtime a little bit harder. Dekker cried and that upset Laela, so we had two sad kidlets on our hands. But they’ll sleep well. Dekker is already quiet in his bed, and Laela is drinking her bottle. We started with the new bottle nipples today and her feedings are going sooo much better!!!

Get these kids to bed so I can get my bath. And a cookie. Bathtime cookies and milk. Yum.