An Outpouring!!

The last couple of days have felt SO celebratory! While no one has to give us anything, we have been showered with love and surprises recently.

A couple of days ago, a friend invited me over and let me sift through all of her maternity clothing, and take all I wanted. It was such an immense gift, and I am now bursting with maternity clothes! I have never had the variety before that I have now, and I’m SO excited about it! It was such a generous gift on her part, and I now feel super well set up! Thank you for blessing me in this pregnancy this way! I am so overwhelmed by it all.

Then, yesterday, I had two different people come to my house in the evening with gifts for baby Bambina. And I was just floored. I feel SO honoured that people are excited about our little baby, and are making a significant effort to reach out and celebrate her with us! I admit, sometimes our world feels pretty small, but other times I am amazed at how many people are anticipating our next child and loving on our family so well. Thank you both so much for your love and generosity for us, and for our baby girl! Once again, I am totally overwhelmed in the best way.

These days have been so exciting! And I want to clarify, they haven’t just been great because presents are fun. They have made my baby’s birth feel like it may actually happen at the right time, and that she may actually come home, and live here, and wear clothes, and need things, and need us! It feels more real, and possible. I can’t wait to throw a party when she comes home, and for all of you to finally meet her! What a day that will be!

Who’s gonna be there?? 🙋‍♀️