And it Burns, Burns, Burns…

If you’re from the same area of the world as me, you probably know about the big ole grass fire that started yesterday afternoon. My neighbour texted me shortly after 2pm saying there was a huge fire across the field from our street. She wasn’t kidding.

Cher and I met her in the street to take pictures.

We watched emergency vehicles race to the scene, drive away, drive back, etc. We watched an obscene amount of vehicles rip down the gravel roads to go check out what was happening. Guys. Don’t do that. Not safe. Not helpful to crews trying to get to the scene.

Through the afternoon, the three of us exchanged pictures, articles, videos, and thoughts on the impending fire. It kept growing, and spreading. The smoke had started suuuper dark, but it lightened up as multiple fire crews fought it. Amazing efforts!

Collectively, though, we were all unsettled as dusk approached and the fire was still going. The darkness was going to take all of our information away! It was disconcerting at the very least.

I’ve got to say, though. The darkness did not take all of our information, and if nothing else it made it that much more nerve wracking. Maybe the smoke wasn’t as evident or billowy, but the flames were a lot more visible. 😳

At 8:30pm

We hoped for obvious improvement before bed, but at 10:00pm, it looked much the same :/

I have this funny thing where I have a really hard time falling asleep when the power is out. I want to be awake until its back on. Anyone else? Its just like I need the reassurance that the problem has ended before I totally settle. Thats very much how I felt last night. I wanted the fire to be out before I completely let down for the night. But it simply wasn’t possible, and that is totally fine, because I know its a total first world problem.

I was fortunate to wake up to no fire, no damage, and no problems directly. Meanwhile, other people suffered greatly, and that doesn’t go unnoticed. I hope everyone is safe.

All that said, if kids are coughing today, think smoke before covid, please and thank you.