Another Blog of Questions

Get ready for a dump of random unrelated questions! Here’s a picture so the blog appears extra enticing!

My brain is swirly, and I need some help and input from you guys! I only know as much as I know, so I’m ready to be educated! Please help me!

  1. Where could I properly dispose of an old bed, an expired car seat, and some old culligan jugs that are too stained to return? Can I do this all in one place that isn’t Loraas, or not so much? 
  2. How does a person get the glass globe off of their light fixture to change the bulb?? I can get the smallest ones, but thats where it ends. I’m trying to replace ALL the bulbs with the ones that last forever, so I never have to do it again, but in order to never do it again, I have to do it once. And I can’t. 
  3. We need to redo our camper bathroom as early in the season as possible. Any good tricks for plumbing into a new tank and getting that seal really good and proper? 
  4. And with that last one, if the seal inside your toilet sucks, can you replace it on its own, or do you have to buy a new toilet altogether? 
  5. Have you bought a tank printer? Where? What do I look for?
  6. What about a trencher? Does anyone have a trencher? Our loving neighbour and friend, Tom, dug ALL of our sprinklers into our front yard last year, which was incredibly helpful! However, the backyard is a MUCH bigger job, and we only just learned about trenchers! Anyone have anything like that on hand before we rent one?? 
  7. Does anyone want an old beater, smallish backyard trampoline? No nets, no nothing. Just a tramp with some pool noodles around the springs. Anyone? We’re done with ours and it was a “free off of someones yard” type of trampoline.
  8. Where. Do we put. The exercise bike. It needs to leave our room, but where then? We’re definitely keeping it, but it needs a new home within the home. Not the main floor. But it will positively never be used in the basement. Don’t worry, this one is rhetorical. I’m just annoyed lol! 

So I’m perfectly aware that this blog is jumbled, but please, if you have any input, my brain is buzzing and I would welcome your thoughts!! Because my thoughts could use some friends.

Unrelated – be like Laela.