Another Costco Run with Wavy

*Firstly, I just want to thank you guys for laughing with us yesterday when I talked about Brady taking drug bags of laxative to work. Not a single person made either of us feel any semblance of regret for sharing these things about our life, and that says a lot. Thanks for being in our corner, guys. Its pretty awesome. And in case you were wondering, it was a good setup for him! I will be loading a lot more baggies up!*

Onto todays blog!

Yesterday I made a Costco run with Waverly! I have this grand idea in my head where I want to be someone who makes a big grocery run once a month, and Brady hits coop once in a while to restock our fresh stuff. But man. I think yesterday was the day I gave up on that dream, haha!

Not in a big bad way though, I promise!

My first reason is based on the fact that Wavy LOVES grocery shopping.

She does SO well and is VERY cute and obedient. She stays close to me, and loves to help and chat and dance through aisles (I’m not kidding) so she gets a bunch of attention from strangers and she positively lives for it, haha!

The biggest part of the reason for the change, though, is that it is a BIG cart full when I’m on my own. I know I can organize to bring someone with me. I definitely have willing participants! But I also want to have a system that works for me if I am without help, and I think going more often would just be helpful. For instance, yesterday, I got some bagels out of the bakery, a stack of fruit and veggies, toilet paper, and milk, and my cart was quite full. I hadn’t touched the coolers, aisles, or toiletries yet. I actually had to leave things behind that were on the list because my cart was too full.

If you remember, right before covid, we confidently became a two-cart family. Brady actually grocery shopped a couple of times with the big orange flat deck cart, and that worked amazing! However, I don’t if I’m just inept but I cannot push those things to save my life. They NEVER go where I want them to! What is the trick?!

Anyway. Wavy and I got the most important stuff, and we’ll probably try to fill in the gaps another time at Coop. I’m not worried.

Right before we reached the checkout area, we passed ONE sample stand. Jelly Bellys. A person cannot pass up such a great treat! So we didn’t.

It was really the best way to wrap up a successful shopping morning.

We got home and Wavy helped me unload the van until it was completely done. She was AWESOME.

I don’t need a babysitter, but if anyone wants a cute little shopping buddy, I’ve got your girl!