Another One

Yesterday was another one of those days where we split the group up. Brady took the little boys outside/in his work van while he finished up his stereo installation. When the big kids got home from school, they put their backpacks in the entrance and opted to stay out with them. I, on the other hand, hung out inside with Wavy. She tends to wake up the moment everyone else leaves and I plan to take a rest. She’s lucky I have NO issue with playing with her all day every day!

We hung out and listened to music. She played, I did some writing, etc. It was pretty chill. Meanwhile, outside, Brady got his stereo finished! Solly was less than enthused.

But the kids had fun being outside again. How we’ve waited for this weather!!

Eventually, everyone came inside, homework was done, supper was eaten, and bedtime happened.

It wound up to be a pretty difficult evening for me, but I choose to remember the happy parts! Look at the sweet little kids in these pictures! Difficult days happen to everyone. I’m not ungrateful. I wouldn’t trade my life for anything. I love it so much. Thank you Lord!