Apple Juice Method #2

If anyone read my past apple juice post, you’ll know that what I made turned out yummy but somehow, I only got just a little bit. So on Saturday I bought 20 lbs of crispy sunrise apple from the BC fruit stand at the farmers market, and am now taking the plunge into a new method.

Not going to lie, this method freaks me out a little. Instead of throwing everything into a juicer, I’m just gonna chuck everything into a pot, sprinkle on cream of tartar, put in a ton of boiling water, and then let everything just sit together for a day and a half before I drain off the juice! I think this is a relatively common way to make it, but I’m considerably more nervous about it! In my mind, the juice would be watered down. Right?! And if it is, that’s a lot of apples to waste! Yet after googling it extensively and getting a tried and tested recipe from a friend, it seems everyone uses roughly the same measurements (whether using cups, litres, gallons, quarts, etc.) and does the same thing! So thats what I’ll do! In batches, of course. Plus I got one of those cool slicer things from the Ikea chunk of our Edmonton trip, so that will make it faster too! Now I just hold my breath and hope that Dekker has a decent day. Poor teething baby 🙁 I know he’s a great teether, but he is pushing sooo many  right now! I have a very sensitive little one on my hands. However, now that I think about it, this method of juicing doesn’t require a lot of hands on stuff at all. I could wash and slice and sprinkle and boil and pour in about twenty minutes. Maybe a half hour. Not too ominous.

Juice juice juice…