Appointments and Whatnot

I took the babies to the city first thing this morning for an important appointment. I won’t lie. I LOVE having two babies. Its just such a riot. They’re so fun. I wish you all could get to know them.

Anyway. I loaded up our bags and had my own little giggle while I packed. We carry two bags now. One for diapers, wipes, blankets, soothers, etc. And one for feeding. Because that is a whole separate operation and I don’t want to carry the feed stuff in if I’m not going to need it. But I still always chuckle to myself as I pack it. What? Doesn’t everyone’s diaper bag look like this?!

No? Just me? Cool cool cool cool cool…

I actually really don’t mind 🙂 We have a good groove going with tube feeding. I’m not mad at it at all.

We hit up the appointment and then hit Value Village for a few things, which turned out to be a very productive, successful shop! Our last stop was going to be a grocery store, so I parked us at Coop and when I opened the door of the van, I was met by two completely zonked out, deep breathing babies. Nope. That was it for grocery shopping! I got right back into the van and drove home. No way was I waking those babies and dragging them into the cold wind for some baking ingredients and cucumbers. Who the heck cares at that point?!

We went home. Babies woke up a bit with the action of just getting into the house, but their energy was short lived, and naptime was closeby. Babies napped, and I baked a bit. More muffins. Lemon cookies. Just a bit.

Anyway. It was a really cute day. I’m very grateful for all we have, and who we have 💜 Tomorrow is another rowdy out and about kind of day! I’ll have Wavy with me as well. Should be a fun group!