As I Suspected

I slept like a log last night. I woke up in the exact same position I fell asleep in. Brady was good enough to wake up with the kids and let me sleep in a bit. I finally surfaced around the time Laela went down for her morning nap.

I mentioned yesterday what I hoped today would look like, and I got exactly that! A day spent in jammies, watching movies, and doing laundry. Sooo much laundry. It doesn’t seem to matter if we wear every article of clothing we own, or the same thing every day, but after a trip, we basically just dump our suitcases and wash everything. Why not? At best, everything will be super wrinkly.

We watched Frozen, which we had done while on vacation, but while the kids were napping. I know, it seems silly. The others were up though, so it made sense. Its a really great movie actually, and we caught way more this time around. Anyone else thing that snow monster guy is scary though?? Crazy! He was frightening when he was mad!

So today was nice and comfy, and as per our usual, the evening was trying and frustrating. Along with the rest of the world, I find life in general more challenging when I’m sick. I’m less stuffed up today, but my cough is horrible and dry and I still feel pretty miserable and achy. And this stupid eye twitch!!! Lately, my screwed up body has chosen to present itself in the form of an eye twitch and it is back. Apparently my back didn’t appreciate 25 hours in the van last weekend. Hopefully I feel well enough to go into the city on Thursday for some chiro and a bit of fresh air. Dr. Mike can always fix these weirdy problems I have.

Thursday can’t come soon enough!