As Wavy Waits

very long awaited appointment finally came today! I got up the nerve recently to book a family appointment with Dr. Guselle, and while she couldn’t make it happen right away, it happened today! I want to tell you guys all about it, but its been a big day and I don’t have the gumption to go into all the details.

So, for a quick breakdown, I primarily discussed Rowan, Solly, and myself. Brady was tentatively on the list but his cold/sinus infection was FINALLY cleared up with antibiotics and steroids. We covered Rowans hearing, his lack of balance/coordination/tip toeing, and his possible lactose intolerance. We covered Solly’s constipation and a little bump on his face that I don’t think I’ve mentioned on here before. We covered my persistent crappy hearing in my left ear and that pesky unsightly mole under my nose. LOTS of topics, and LOTS of information. I feel great about it all, honestly. But its WAY too much to put in one post. Maybe one for each of us? Ya, I think thats smart.

Meanwhile, during our appointment, Miss Waverly sat in her bucket, totally happy, the entire time. She even slept for a chunk of it. But pre-sleep, I took a cute little photo progression…

And one horrifying comparison.

She was a cute little user-friendly addition to our group 🙂 It would’ve been nice to actually come as a whole crew, but this was fun, too 🙂 Maybe next time!