Baby Peppers

Do you ever cut into bell peppers and find little dudes on the inside? We find them from time to time, and the kids always want to eat them. Solly is the biggest fan of them. We call them baby peppers.

The other day, I was scouring the fridges and freezers to make sure our Costco grocery list was up to date, and I found a bag of peppers that clearly hadn’t fit upstairs, made its way to the basement fridge, and was forgotten. They were all still good, but needing to be eaten sooner than later. So I grabbed all six peppers and began chopping them up.

And immediately, Solly was at the island, asking for baby peppers. Rowan and Wavy were close to follow, needing to get their share of whatever Solly was asking for, as siblings will do. I told them I’d let them know if I found any, and everyone would get a taste.

I found one teeeeeny tiny one at one point, but it hardly even counted. I snuck it to Rowan, because he was closest, and he kept the secret to himself, thankfully.

And then, I hit the motherload.

And guys, the motherload had balls.

😳Can’t miss those things! I’ll admit I was a little disappointed that I shaved the one side off a little, but it was still a pretty hilarious! I laughed a lot harder than I should’ve.

And then I pulled the balls off.

And then guess what I found.

A butt. And a tail.

And then I cackled like an immature idiot. But seriously, no regrets. Because sometimes you have to laugh at something super meaningless and light.

In a really really heavy world, can we all just laugh at my peppers nut sack? Whether you join in or not, I’m gonna.

Oh and yes, the kids ate the balls. No regrets.