“Back at it” Sunday

Today was a very special Sunday. My parents shared the testimony of their marriage as the message in church, so obviously, we really wanted to go and support them in that. It was our first Sunday back in an incredibly long time, so it felt really really good to be back and see everyone. We were a minute or two late but lots of people were still arriving, and it wasn’t too terribly full, so the bench where we always used to seat ourselves was open and waiting. The kids are pretty out of practice with church, so they were chatty and we spent most of the morning shushing them, but the woman sitting in front of us was incredibly understanding and reassured us that she works with kids and that our kids whispers weren’t bothering her in the slightest.

After my parents shared, there was a time for anyone who cared to share to speak up and address the church. This is a lovely common practice that our church does every single week, where people can share exciting news, what they’re learning, or struggles and prayer requests. I stood up to share with everyone where we were and some of the things we’ve been struggling through, and let’s be honest. I blubbered through it. The congregation was SO supportive and responsive to the things I said, and Brady and I immediately felt encouraged and cared for.

After the service, not only did a large group of people come around my parents and pray with them, but many people came to Brady and I to offer information, encouragement, and prayers. Church is hard for us to get to these days, yet we felt surprisingly comfortable and relaxed being back, rather than stressed and kind of scattered like I expected to feel.

The whole day felt the same way. We felt comfortable, and rested. We haven’t spent time with my parents in WEEKS, which is completely out of the norm for us. The kids were thrilled to be back playing at their house, and Brady and I were SO happy to be spending the day again. It was a fabulous afternoon and evening of food and visiting and playing and reading stories and the kids showing off all of their new words and skills and telling all of their stories. It was wonderful, and we’re going back tomorrow!

Tomorrow evening, I mean. Laela has an eye doctor appointment tomorrow morning (just routine) and then we have a full afternoon. I’m SO thankful that Brady has had a few days off around this weekend, because we have a TON going on right now, which we’ll talk more about soon. Just continue to keep us in your prayers, if you’d like, and we’ll just keep swimming, just keep swimming…