Back at the Doctor Way Too Soon + MILESTONE!

I mentioned yesterday that I’ve been in some funny, super duper annoying pain. I called my doctors office yesterday to try to get in with her, and they put me in where they could, which was today, at 4:15, with a resident who would consult with Dr. Guselle about me after the fact. While I would always prefer to see her, beggars can’t be choosers, and I know she knows me and will take note of whats going on. Full trust there. When I was at the appointment, however, the resident said that Dr. Guselle had seen my name come up and planned to come see me herself as well. Yay!

I listed off the issues I’ve been having. I have this unbelievable pain below my ribs, right in the middle there that just refuses to quit!! I can’t stand up straight, lift anyone, sit in any reasonable position, take deep breaths, eat a full meal, etc. You name it, and this pain is making it hard to do. Also, at ten days postpartum, I feel I should easily be weening off my medicine rather than increasing. However, what I’m taking isn’t touching it! What gives??

I saw the resident first, and he asked lots of questions and took notes. When his questions were exhausted, he said he’s go consult with Dr. Guselle and then they’d both come in to chat with me. I waited a bit, and he ducked his head back in just to say she was in with someone else but they’d come soon. No rush, I was fine. When she did come in, she asked a couple more questions before asking to poke at my tummy a little. I lay down and gave them full access to my jelly belly. She poked the part that I was complaining about, and I confirmed that it was quite tender. Then she had me try to sit up a little, just enough to flex my ab muscles, and WOW is that muscle angry!! It hurt so much worse to have it poked at that second time! Yikes! I did learn that everything is coming back together nicely, so thats a positive thing, but apparently I have one two very strained, very angry muscles. She said it was a fairly normal thing, especially considering my size and the Sollys size. Not that we weren’t a good fit or anything, but that combined with a rougher pregnancy than usual might be enough to piss my body off more than usual as well. We confirmed that it wasn’t a hernia, and likely not anything crazier like an ulcer. I assured her that I’m not super concerned, and I’m not losing sleep over what’s happening that I don’t know about. No overreactions that way over here. I’m just fed up with being in this pain. From there, she gave me a bit of a timeline of when to expect this to get better, and we talked meds and doses and came up with a new plan that I’m going to try through the weekend and see where I end up. If all seems well, Solly has his checkup next week Friday, and Dr. Guselle said we’d just reassess me then too. So hopefully this new regimen works well and I can start to function better in the days again.

I feel so silly complaining of a muscle ache after delivering a baby. There could be far worse things, and a pulled muscle is so small. But the reality is that its been affecting my daily life, where I feel nauseous and full and dizzy and all around ill equipped. Hopefully I can soon get my pain under control and be better at my life.

After our trip to the appointment, I felt like complete garbage and spent our home time sitting in our big comfy chair with Solly eating and dozing intermittently. And then this happened!!!

So apparently he wants to walk now!!! At 15.5 months, we are more than ready for it, but this much progress out of nowhere was a HUGE surprise! He’s been able to stand up in the middle of the room for a very long time now, but hasn’t much bothered to take steps. In the last few days, he’s started a little bit of a shy shuffle, but then this happened today!!! It would appear he wanted to save this skill for the new house 🙂 It was a really exciting evening after this, with lots of celebrating and clapping and Rowan walking over and over again. It was an incredibly strange feeling to leave the room and to find him following me on foot! I’m so very proud of him. Thanks for adding such a positive light to the end of our day!!