Back to Cairo

Nah, I’m just kidding. Not Egypt. We just went to the chiropractor. But its been a long time!

Brady hadn’t been in a month, Solly not in two months, and I hadn’t been for two and a half months! It was definitely time!

Dr. Mike was in a really fun mood. Like more than usual. He’s a super upbeat guy, but today he seemed even happier. He treated Brady while trying to engage Laela in conversation. She had informed me in the van that she was too shy to talk to Dr. Mike, and that was true, until he asked what she dressed up as for Halloween.

“Purple,” she replied, without missing a beat. He seemed to get quite a kick out of that, and Laela gave in and answered a few questions. It was cute.

While he did my adjustment, he asked about some of my latest endeavours and showed very real interest in some things that I find really exciting, but didn’t expect him to really care about. Then we talked a bit more about the house and how much we love it.

Solly’s treatment was my favorite, though. If you haven’t met Solly, you should know, he is SO fun and interactive and content and he LOVES to laugh. When Dr. Mike checks Solly’s spine, it tickles, and it is SO fun to watch. Solly lays on his back, facing up, and Dr. Mike touches foreheads with him and teases him, while gently touching along his spine, and Solly just laughs and laughs, totally uninhibited. Then he gets treated a little bit, then back on his back for giggling and checking. Everything is very slow and gentle and Solly loves it! At the end, when Dr. Mike passed him back to me, he sat considerable straighter in my arms. Its amazing how it works so well! I’m so grateful for our chiropractor. We sure seem to have the cream of the crop in every facet of health care!

Now that we’re all well adjust human beings (welllll…..) we’re home. Besides Dekker, I suppose. He’s at school. Brady is on the roof, working on Christmas lights, I’m inside, hanging out with Laela, and Rowan and Solly are sleeping. Its nice and quiet, minus the clomping on the roof, I suppose. But thats going to bring some beauty, thats for sure!

Yes, yes, I know, Christmas lights before Remembrance Day. Its warm out. Now is the time. I can still remember with Christmas lights up. No judging.

Now for some online Christmas shopping. Or just online shopping shopping…..