Back to Normal

It felt good to have another Monday on the books. I know it sounds really strange, but its just the truth. If you look back over the months of 2022 so far, we have had a PACKED year. Lots has gone on, much that was on the blog and lots that wasn’t, and I think I can safely say that we have been perpetually tired. In April, the kids had a week off, and in that time, most of us fell sick. It was a sickness that really hung out, so while the kids were well enough to attend school, we had them wearing masks.

Our poor kids, haha! Almost everyone at school has ditched the masks, except our children. We committed to masking them until chemo was over and done with, as Brady’s immune system needed some extra time to beef up. Of course, the moment chemo was done (YAAAAAY!) we all got sick (booooo!) The kids were not happy about masking that week after the break, since the plan had been to be done at that point. But they handled it, and today, they HAPPILY went to school, mask free!!! 😁

Meanwhile, these two were home today.

Look at how much older they look!!! Ack!

This morning held morning coffee with Cher, with the kids playing and reading and coloring. So far the afternoon has held quiet time, Netflix, and crocheting. And now, for the first time in about two weeks, Brady is out in the garage 💜 and the kids are biking in the street.

Don’t mind me. I think I’m heading out there myself.

Happy Monday, friends.