Back to the Daily Grind

…and LOVING it!!!

I’ve been away from home for a while now, but today, I’m back at it. I’m on stay-at-home mom duty while Brady is off at work. I didn’t anticipate how refreshing today would be!

Brady is HAPPY at work, reconnecting with some of his friends, and feeling strong in his role as his family’s provider. He can spend the day doing something he truly enjoys, without having to argue with anyone. His change of scenery makes coming home so much sweeter.

I have enjoyed my days away, but I have been missing my munchkins. I knew being home again would be lovely, but I didn’t realize how refreshed I’d feel. I feel way more capable and motivated than I usually do.

So far this morning, the dishes have been maintained, and supper is in the crock pot. I did my hair and got dressed in real clothes.

Improvement anyway, lol

The big kids got out the door for school without me rushing them, and the little kids at home are happy. We’ve read lots of stories,

and there has been no yelling and minimal arguing. Wavy slept in and has been completely peachy since she got up! Easy peasy, these kids! Today, anyway 😉

Maybe its just a “first day back” thing, or maybe I’m better at this. Probably option #1, haha! But today has felt good 🙂