Back We Go

Tomorrow, we head back to the lake! Brady, Cher, and I have worked hard through July to strike a balance that somehow makes prepping less overwhelming for my body and my brain. While I feel content with our setup, my body tends to completely panic the day before we leave, and I struggle through additional anxiety, heartburn, and sickness.

This last time around, I think we got it!!! I am SO relieved, and so are my beautiful people who are eager to help me.

Even though we are leaving tomorrow, and my body is still unhappy out of routine, we are SO organized and my brain and heart feel content.

The changes we made are as follows:

While at the lake, as I packed up to go home, I took a few extra minutes to separate the laundry. Not in a big specific way. I made a kids clothes hamper, a bag for Brady and I, and then a bag of towels. With that, laundry went FAST and EASY! To be clear, though, I didn’t do a stitch of laundry. It was ALL Cher 💜 The moment everything was dry and ready, she folded ALL the kids stuff and put them back into the hampers to go back to the lake. Boom! Kids clothes DONE!

Another change we made was that Brady and I meal planned on the drive home from our last stretch at the lake! We did that out of necessity, because we knew we only had three days in between, and three different appointments over the first two days. So while I drove, Brady and I listed meals we wanted to have on our next trip out. Then we made a big list of all the items we’d need to bring to make them happen, and then Cher took pictures of our food around the house so we could see what we needed to buy and what we just needed to gather up. Before we got home, we had our list of food to pack AND a grocery list! Its important to say that this wouldn’t have really aided a whole lot if not for my mom offering to do our shopping for us 💜 What a HUGE relief that was!

Now, it is the day before. My heartburn is worse than it often is, even with all my meds working hard for me, and while my body is mad, I feel truly content. Today, we chop veggies. We gather up all the odds and ends. We put things that are completely ready out in the garage, ready to be packed.

And tomorrow, we pack coolers and tetris everything into the van. Boom. Done!

What a relief.l Hopefully packing and unpacking and repacking can be so much smoother through August!