Backstory Week: Unending Support

We were SO well cared for. It seems like an appropriate place as any to share all of the support we received.

I can’t even count the times our close friends came our way with support in ALL kinds of ways, but it was a ton. Beyond them, our church rained their love down on us constantly. 

Krista brought me a gift of cute socks and a yummy bath salt soak.

Yvonne made us a big pot of real chunky chicken noodle sou and two bags of fresh buns. She prayed for us in our entrance.

Damaris came for a morning/afternoon. She brought me a latte and lunch and snacks for the kids. She helped them get their food, and chatted with me about everything – good and bad. 

Connie came with a card, a book, and flowers. We also chatted all through nap time. It was such a relief to have company. 

Kim brought us a HUGE dinner of chicken and broccoli rice. Two big pans, one of which I froze. Alongside that was two days of school lunches for Dekker and Laela, a batch of muffins for breakfasts, and a rice krispie cake. My gosh. 

Damaris brought us pork chops and roasted potatoes, and some fresh fruit. The second meal she had brought us this week. 

Carrie J brought her kids over to play with my kids, and baked a yummy pear loaf at our house.

Karen brought us scalloped potatoes and ham, with cooked carrots and corn that tasted fresh out of the garden. As well, she brought us cupcakes, and even sent a drink for our meal. 

Carrie J and her family took a risk and asked if they could come be with us for supper. They prepared waffles for the kids, and eggs benedict for us. Also fruit salad and juice. We all ate together. It was SO nice.

Carrie O took the last day on the meal train and invited us to join them at their house for a wiener roast, what might be the last fire of the year. Maybe, maybe not. We enjoyed hot dogs, smokies, fresh veggies and fruit, chips, etc. all together. Anne made fresh pie for us to enjoy for dessert. Smores, too 🙂 It was so good to get out of the house with people who we knew we could be ourselves around. 

The love did not stop with the meal train. Yvonne traded us back her soup pot for some fresh crab apple sauce she had made that day. 

Willa brought us a HUGE supper of crispy chicken, rice, carrots, chunky salad, and a BIG pumpkin pie! Along with food, Willa hung out with our kids during a couple of ultrasounds, and always did a few jobs around the house while she was here, whether dishes or folding laundry or whatever else needed doing. She even gave them supper and put them to bed one night. 

Kate and Carrie J shuttled Rowan to and from preschool once or twice.

Nicole sent a huge floral arrangement. 

Sandy bought me a onesie to be cozy in.

Dave and Karen brought us pulled pork, buns, chips, coleslaw, and homemade brownies. And that was after the meal train was long over.

Its funny. The longer it takes me to post this post, the love and gifts continue to pour in. We’ve been gifted with some guilty pleasure treats, as well as some fresh veggies, canning, baking, etc. I do NOT leave this all here in an effort to brag, but for my record, to remember the love we were shown by our community. It is quite something to have so many people recognize our miscarriage as a real loss, not just “something people go through but shouldn’t talk about.” Its huge to my family to have our loss acknowledged and respected by those around us. 

Bottom line. I know this love is being poured on my entire family, but speaking for myself, I couldn’t have done this stretch of time without the amazing amounts of support our family was given. I was reassured by someone that, I didn’t choose this struggle, and I needed to let my family and friends love us and help us. I couldn’t help but say back that my family and friends didn’t ask for us to have this struggle either. No one else has asked us to reproduce. Just us and, we believe God has. No one else should have to be dragged through the mud with us. But it sure helped us feel less crazy and alone. 

So while we suffered and struggled and kicked and screamed in frustration just a little bit (or a lot,) there was bright light around every corner, where people cared for us and lifted us up. What an amazing group of lovely people we have.