Basement Progress Report

I’m so tired of talking about the whole debacle with the van, but its been somewhat all consuming. So much so that I didn’t tell you guys some exciting news! The electrical in our basement is DONE! I’m SO thrilled to have that finished and taken care of. We have light switches in every room now rather than just a big one at the bottom of the stairs that turns on the whole basement.

The goal I sort of had in mind was to have electrical done by the end of October, and I’m super thrilled that without me having to be pushy and stressed out, we still reached that goal!

We’ve also got a good chunk of the plumbing done! Its not quite finished yet. We still need a utility sink plumbed into our laundry area, but the bathroom is all set up with running water. What a relief!! Won’t be too much longer on that home front!

With the van doing what it did, we likely won’t be able to shell out the money for drywalling right away here, but I’m so thankful to have done what we do already!

We’ve lived here for about two and a half years. When we got here, Rowan was just starting to walk, and Solly was brand new. So we had two walkers, a toddler, and a newborn. Today was have four runners and a baby. We need more liveable space soon, lol! But we’ve gone this long without it, so delaying it another few months isn’t going to hurt too bad. Hopefully. 😉

The last thing I’ll say is that I’m sorry for the lack of pictures. Its SUCH a mess downstairs! When there are walls, I’ll show you guys around in photos, while inevitably moving the mess from room to room to get cleaner pictures. #realtalk