Basement Update: Taping

I’ve been resisting posting basement updates for a few reasons.

Reason number one. My blog is far from a “home reno DIY” type of blog, so I assume my usual demographic of readers isn’t as interested. Sub reason. I don’t know enough of the technical details to actually communicate anything completely accurately. But I try!

Reason number two. Self control. I’m trying to only post when something significant happens, or something even insignificant is finished and feels worth mentioning.

My last update was about two weeks ago, and it was when Brady finished boarding! That felt like such a huge accomplishment! We spent the next few days fussing around with some changes in electrical. Brady added an entrance light where we wanted one since we built!

We realized there wasn’t going to be a light here just a little too late in the game, and were told they could put one in at that stage, but it would set us back about $500. Doing it this way, it took about an hour and maybe $15. Still needs a real fixture, but we’re stoked! Woot! (Yes, our entrance still has Christmas lights. Because it DARK in there! We’ll probably take them down now 😜)

Brady also gave me a light in our storage area under the stairs, which I really really wanted!!

Don’t judge our mess, please! Lol! Thats ALL our kids clothes that don’t fit anyone right now, as well as the boxes that hold some of our winter decor. Also, fun fact. The playpen is actually where our laundry chute empties! I foolishly thought an average sized laundry hamper would do the job. I was mistaken. So, the playpen that is no longer safe for children will have to work!

Besides these electrical tweaks, we filled a couple of days with some outings and some illness as well.

February 28th brought the tapers!! YESSSSS! They came and went over the course of five-ish days. They were quiet and respectful, and were super polite to our kids when they did have to duck upstairs for one reason or another. Every time the company owner came up the stairs, Solly raced over, yelling “HI DARREN HI!” and he always greeted him back. They had an AMAZING system to keep the dust under control, so we have virtually NO noticeable dust upstairs! (No new dust anyway!) Most importantly, they have done an AMAZING job taping our basement walls!! They even repaired some of our mistakes, and mistakes left by the original builder. They covered it ALL! I know you can’t run your hands along the seams yourselves, but you’re just going to have to trust me. Smooth like butter. And its all so tidy!

We spoke about the next part of our basement project, and made rough plans to touch up any hypothetical imperfections we might find. The beauty of working with local people!

It would be foolish of me not to recommend this company to you, my friends! You guys can trust that I wouldn’t recommend someone I wasn’t totally happy with (Remember the siding guys? 🙄) Kings Forest Construction has been a pleasure to have in our home, and we are THRILLED with our results! I anticipate we’ll be back in touch with them in the future for more work that needs doing, and you should be, too!

Priming is next! We’ll probably prime the laundry area as soon as possible (as in, today) so I can actually do laundry again. Also, the sooner those walls are ready, the sooner we can install the new laundry sink!!!

*cue Hailey’s derpy dance* I’ve been waiting for a laundry sink since we moved in, and its finally happening!!!!

Its finally ALL happening!!! Thank you, Lord!