Baskets and Blankets

I haven’t talked crocheting in a while. Here’s why. I got this AWESOME order for baskets a while back, and the longer it takes for me to get them out, the more embarrassed I’ve felt. They’ve been crocheted for a while already, but I’ve been working to acquire some little extras, like leather tags, rivets, etc. We’ve tried a few things that have failed, and its taken some time to get our ducks in a row. Meanwhile, a couple baskets were different from my usual, so they took extra figuring and need some additional reinforcement. So there’s been some waiting on that homefront, too, to figure out the best options and what will finally work. The official FINAL missing piece of these things will be walking through our door this evening, and ALL baskets will be ready for either delivery or mail by tomorrow! Thank you to those who have paid in advance!! 💜 That REALLY helped me get things going!

With ALL of that going on, I have still been working on other projects, and I’d love to show you, finally! 

First, I made this baby blanket for a friend of ours! 

They had a baby boy recently, and I’d been itching to try out this honeycomb type of design for a while now. It gave me a good excuse to go buy this beautiful dusty blue yarn that I’ve had my eye on, as well! Its not your traditional baby blue. Its called “ice blue” and I really, really like it. I think the blanket turned out really well! Just waiting to actually drop it off, which takes a lot longer when a baby is involved and our household has a cold. Sigh. 

Second of all, I want to show you what I’m MOST excited about!!! Eek! 

I present…

I started this blanket earlier in the year, and its been on hold as Michaels sold out of the yarn I needed and it just wasn’t getting restocked!! Ack! This pattern ate up more yarn than I anticipated, so I was ill prepared, and I got really nervous I was going to be stuck pulling it out and making the whole thing narrower, or just somehow having to jimmy rig it back into a blanket that was a reasonable size. But thank goodness, Michaels came to the rescue, with the same dye lot of yarn and everything! 

This blanket was unavoidable when I saw that beautiful creamsicle coloured yarn! I made the pattern up, and I actually hope to write it out and officially produce it as my first ever original pattern! I feel really excited about this 🙂 I hope you can be excited with me!

Did any of you finish any cool projects this week? Care to share with the class?