Beautiful Hair

I have regularly laughed at my kids’ hair, and for valid reasons! Dekker has these super strong cowlicks right in this hairline, forcing a big tuft of hair straight down the centre of his forehead and the rest falling naturally around his ears. He’s recently developed his own version of the Bieber hair flip, though, so at least we know which way he likes his hair to lay. He also has some crazy waves in what seems to be the top layer of his hair, and the bottom layer is straight. He as incredibly unpredictable hair. I LOVE it long, but once again, just a couple of weeks ago, he was mistaken for a girl. AGAIN! Ugh. I’m not 100% sure what to do about that. I’m thinking we’ll take him in for a cut soon, and get his bangs fixed and the rest touched up a bit, but still leave it long. Even looking through pictures of hairstyles for kids, Dekker picks out the long hairstyles on boys. So he agreed. But all joking and funny hair aside, my mom captured him sooo well today, I can’t resist sharing!


Isn’t he gorgeous?? And a huge goofball? I love this kid to pieces.


And then there is my little Laela Bean. She has seemingly way less hair than Dekker did at her age, and its bugged me a bit in the past. Not like bugged bugged me, but I’ve wished she had a bit more for me to play with. However, what I’ve been noticing is that its thickening up like crazy!! And as I think I’m mentioned before, I’m pretty sure its trying to curl a bit, which is why it maybe doesn’t seem to be lengthening too fast. But today, she rocked her first ever ponytail!!


Does anyone from my family see my grandma Voth in her? There is SO much Voth in this little girl!

So her ponytail is obviously far from perfect, BUT not only am I a novice. A little baldy from church tried to steal Laelas ponytail straight off her head this morning so it got a bit mangled, but I’m sure it won’t be the last time someone attacks her with hair envy.


*sigh* Look at those rosy cheeks. If you were closer, you could have felt her warm ears too. She is teething HARD! As you’ll see in the next picture if you actually click so you can zoom in a bit…


Look at all the white bumps on those gums! The eye teeth haven’t come to the surface yet but they are sure working their way up! And both of the first molars on the bottom are just about there. One is through in a few different spots, and the other hasn’t quite broken the surface yet. But they’re close, and she is a CHAMP! Just drinking lots of cold milk and chewing. I adore this little girl.

Unbelievable hair. Unbelievable kids.