Because diaper rash and colds aren’t enough

Some of you probably know about the sickness that has rocked our household in the recent past. Brady and I got pretty terrible colds that I think (hope) I’m safe to say have finally passed. Along with that, Dekker popped six teeth in September, all eye teeth and molars. That was an adventure in itself, but obviously we’re happy he’s getting them all out relatively quick, and that he’s such a trooper. There are a few other small things ailing our family, but nothing really new or important enough to post here. Life goes on right?

Dekker began to sleep 16 hours at night. I know a lot of people thought I should have been happy about it, but I was nervous. I know the sickness and the teething explained it but I wanted to check in at his doctor. As I posted previously, he was dropping weight because he wasn’t eating as much. So now we’ve changed things up, and he’s in bed more like 12-14 hours in a night. However, the brief spell of crazy long nights has left him with a pretty decent diaper rash. I called his doctor yesterday to get a prescription for a strong diaper cream, as little while yeasty bumps were forming. While I waited for Brady to bring it home at the end of his work day, I bawled my way through his diaper changes right along with him. He would just shake and wail, crying big crocodile tears, looking so confused. He even had some of the bumps start bleeding a little. It was horrendous.

When the diaper cream (and husband) were home and we were all settled down, I went to use the bathroom. (Ok, if you don’t want to know my pee habits, stop reading now.) I sat down to pee, and barely anything came out. Huh. Interesting. So I left and did something else for maybe five minutes before I had to madly pee again. This time even less came out. Now I’ve never had a bladder infection, but I didn’t know what else that could have been! So I drove into the city on my own (Dekker was napping, Brady was putting up our baby gate) to get checked out. I was completely miserable, having to pee so bad that I was bloated right up, but being unable to.

Tiniest urine sample ever later, I was in a room talking to a really nice doctor whose last name I wasn’t able to catch. It was long and sounded like it had the word “giggly” in it, which I liked. Because I’m a dork like that. He said they found blood and protein and all sorts of fun things in my sample, and prescribed me something right away. He was very kind and sympathetic. He even commented how sad it was that this was happening so close to Thanksgiving. We talked plans, probably to lighten the mood. He’s going to Toronto to eat turkey with family. I left feeling lighter and encouraged, but I still really had to pee. I had to wait a half hour for my antibiotics to be filled, dropped about $100 at Superstore (no, it wasn’t as frivolous as it sounds) and went home.

And now we wait. As we drive to Edmonton for the weekend so my entire family can be together, prayers would be greatly appreciated. For myself and my first ever aggressive bladder infection, for Dekker’s diaper rash gone yeast infection, and for Brady’s strength to put up with us and take care of us while we pout once in a while.


Hey, we have been thinking and praying for you guys and will keep on!!:)
Know our love and prayers will go up from all of us here on the farm this weekend!! Love You