Because Our Carpet Was Under Budget…

We are SO excited about how well the carpet sale worked out. The installer is coming MONDAY!! Thats SOON! Once that is done, we’re going to be very eager to get things finished up down there. As we were dreaming about everything yesterday, we started perusing Facebook Marketplace for a couch set. Were we jumping the gun a little? Perhaps. But as many of my family members will tell you, I have a knack for finding amazing deals on places like Marketplace, Kijiji, etc. Our current couch set upstairs is from Kijiji, and I found it for $400 for both a couch and loveseat, genuine leather, with one cushion slightly worn. The rest may as well never have been sat on. It was an awesome find. So I decided to start looking already yesterday, so we could get a feel for what we wanted.

Marketplace had nothing. We didn’t want leather downstairs, and it seemed we were between either really shiny stiff leather, and really old beater couches. We wanted comfy, not so beat up, not so expensive.

And of course, I found them. Because why not?

A couch, a loveseat, and a chair. The ad said things like “no smoke, pets, or small children.” They were three years old, like new condition. The price was even brought down $100 as a Thanksgiving Day Special, so I felt confident the owner wanted to get rid of them. I inquired with the owner, and he was out in Hafford, which is almost an hour drive from us. We decided to make it a family affair, so Brady could drive his empty van to bring them home, but also that he and I could decide together.

We got the kids some supper in the van and drove out in convoy. We listened to Christmas music. It was really nice. When we got to the place, we knocked. It took forever for the people to come to the window and ask us to come around the back. So we did, and then we still had to knock and wait. And then it was the wrong house. Sigh.

“We’ve been in contact. Are you Ron?”
“Nope. I’m Don.”

So close.

Turns out we were two blocks away, on the wrong side of main street. When we did find the right house, the owner, his wife, and their son were waiting for us. SUPER friendly people. We found out he was actually the mayor of town.

I’ll save you the run around. The couches were SO COMFY. And seriously, virtually untouched. They said the loveseat especially was probably only ever used during holidays. They showed us the ONE mark they could find, and said it came home from the furniture store like that. True story, I still can’t find the mark. Didn’t see it in the moment, haven’t found it since. But apparently there’s one somewhere. I’m super unconcerned. The SINGLE downfall of the set is the color. Its brown. We don’t have brown anywhere anymore. We have grey, and vastly prefer it. But these couches are the BOMB, and I thought it idiotic to pass them up because they’re the “wrong” neutral. Maybe not for my main living room, but for the basement? No way. They’re perfect.

The owners son had come solely to help Brady load up. We happily agreed to their price of $500, because thank the Lord, our carpet had come in so far under budget. SO awesome!! While the men took off the door and started loading them couches into Brady’s van, I talked with the owners. They insisted on sending some Halloween treats for the kids, who were waiting so patiently in the van with their snacky supper and music.

Brady was able to fit everything into his van, we all shook hands, and went on our way. We drove by our old house before heading back home, as per the kids request. Can’t really tell if anyone lives there anymore, but its funny. I don’t care very much. It was a nice place to live for those years, but I feel almost no attachment to it at all. Our home now has always been in our hearts. Its always been home, even before it existed. The Radisson place did the job, but it wasn’t really home. Radisson wasn’t home. We’re home now.

We got home at the kids bedtime, and got them all tucked away before actually unloading the couches into our garage. They’ll live there until mid-next week ish. I cannot wait!!!

Its coming together! Finally!!