Belated Thanksgiving

As discussed last weekend, we should always try to be thankful, regardless of the day on the calendar. That being said, yesterday was our belated thanksgiving with my mom! And how perfect is it that we found her a nice big table the day before! Finally! Thank you, Lord!

We breakfasted and then headed on over to her place to watch church all together. It was SO good. I didn’t realize how much I missed church.

After church, we lunched. Now, let’s think about this. On a day where we are feasting for supper, we should have a small lunch, yes? Nope. Not at my moms! I ate my body weight in hashbrown casserole, breakfast sausage, muffins, and grapes. It was YUGE!!! 🙌

Brady and I took Solomon and Waverly home after lunch, and put them down for shorty naps. Once they were tucked in, Brady ducked out to pick up a FREE bedframe that a friend was getting rid of. Rowan has rocked a mattress on the floor for a long while now, without any complaint, but we knew he would be thrilled to have a bedframe! So they helped him load it up, and I helped him load it into the house! Eek!

We took the final stretch of nap time to chat with Cher! It was SO good to see her. Feels like not enough recently. It was short and sweet 💜 I’ll take what I can get!

We headed back out after naps to find mom coloring and playing cards with the kids. Very cozy. Like home. As the fun continued, mom got the turkey out and carved it up. I know many people don’t like turkey, but let me tell you, you haven’t had hers!! I know we’re all partial to whats familiar, but my mom has NEVER made a dry turkey. EVER. And her gravy is always amaaazing! We made mashed potatoes with the potatoes from our garden, and then everything else that goes with the traditional thanksgiving meal. We ate like royalty!!!

Forgive the slightly warped picture, but its better than nothing!!

It shows what it needs to show ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

We ate SO much, played a little, and then we went home. Rowan was thrilled with his new bed. It may be a bit dated, but he oozed that good genuinely gratefulness that makes my heart just soar. “I love it! Thank you SO MUCH!! Its so tall!” He insisted that we do bedtime prayers in his room so everyone could experience his bed 😆

My moms place is currently under a boil water advisory, so once everyone was tucked in, I ran a fresh culligan jug of water over her way, and she was already done the dishes! Woot! That woman works fast when she doesn’t want me to help her! Hahaha!

All in all, it was such a beautiful day all together. It felt just perfect. Comfy. Homey. Thanksgivingy!!

Thank you for hosting us, mom!